Statistical Quality Control (SQC) : Control chart; Major parts, Theoritical basis of 3 σ Control Limits, Types of Control chart
Control Charts:
In industry we have to face two kinds of problems.
i) Whether the process confirms to
given standard &
ii) To improve the level of
standard by reducing variability of quality.
Both the problems can be answered
by using Shewhart's control charts.
Major Parts of Control Charts:
i) Quality scale:
It is a vertical scale marked according to the
quality characteristics of each sample.
ii) Sample numbers:
The samples to be plotted on the
control charts are numbered individually & consecutively on the horizontal line, which
is stressed at the bottom of the control chart.
iii) Horizontal lines (Control
lines): There
are three horizontal lines.
a) Central line (C.L.) - This indicates the desired standard or level of the process.
b) Upper Control line (U.C.L.) - This is the line above central line, which is usually 3-σ distance above central line. It indicates the upper limit of tolerance.
c) Lower Control line (L.C.L.) -This is the line below central
line, which is usually 3-σ distance below
central line. It indicates lower limit of tolerance.
d) Plotted samples- Instead of plotting, individual
items of the sample on the control chart, only the quality of entire sample
represented by a single value is plotted.
A point outside the control limits
shows the lack of control situation.
Let T = t(x1, x2,…,xn)
is a function of sample observations and let
E (T) = µt and V (T) = σ2t .
If T is normally distributed, then P (| (T- µt )/σt | ≤ 3) =0.9973 (from normal table).
Thus the probability that t will
fall outside (µt - 3σt,
µt + 3σt)
is 0.0027 which is very small. In other words if variable quality
characteristic is normally distributed and no assignable causes are present in
the process only 27 out of 10000 values of quality characteristics will fall
outside the 3-σ limits. Since 27 out of 10000 is very small and hence
negligible. In the absence of assignable causes, it is expected that all the
values of quality characteristics should lie within 3-σ limits. If at least
one value lies outside the 3-σ limits one suspect
the presence of assignable causes and says that the process is out of control.
the statistic does not follow normal distribution, then by Chebyshev's
inequality for any K > 0,
P(|(T- µt ) | ≤ Kσt) ≥ 1 – 1/ K2
By taking K = 3,
P(|(T- µt )/| ≤ 3σt) ≥ 8/9 which is fairly high probability. Thus, even if the quality characteristic does not follow normal distribution, the 3-σ control limits can be used.
Thus, the central line is at µt, that is CL = µt
UCL = µt + 3σt ---- (1)
LCL = µt - 3σt
Type of Control Charts
1) Control charts for variables
2) Control charts for attributes
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