In day-to-day life we come across several types of machines, equipment, systems such as radio set, T. V. set, vehicle, electric bulb, computer, music system etc. We always ask questions to manufacture that how long the machine will work without any trouble. What is the guarantee period of the item? Answers to such questions are based on the life time of the components of machine as well as the entire assembly. A reliability theory deals with extensive study of life time of components and machines. This is one of the important branch having wide applications in the manufacturing process.

                   Reliability theory is concerned with determining a probability that, a system of several components is functioning i.e. working at a specified time ‘t’. The several components of a system may be arranged in a series system or a parallel system or mixed. Series system of components will function if all of its components are functioning; while a parallel system will function if at least one of its components is functioning. For example; i) switch, holder and electric bulb are connected or arranged in series system. ii) Amplifier and speaker in a sound system are connected in series system. This system fail if any one of its components fails i.e. sound system is working if both amplifier and speaker are functioning or working. iii) Speakers in sound system are arranged in parallel system. If at least one speaker is working then system is working.    iv) Breaks of a bike are connected in parallel system.

System:  A system is a technical configuration of two or more components (or items or units or parts) which is designed to perform one or more functions.

Structure Function:

        Consider a system of ‘n’ components and suppose that each component is either working i.e. functioning or not working i.e. fails. To indicate whether or not the ith component is functioning we define indicator variable Xi; i = 1, 2, ……, n as below.

                                  Xi = 1; if ith component is functioning

                                        = 0; if ith component is not functioning.

 Then vector X = (X1, X2, Xi, ,………., Xn) is called state vector of a system at time ‘t’. It indicates which of the components are functioning and which are in failure state.

For example; i) X = (1, 1, 1, 1) indicates that all four components of a system are functioning.   ii) X = (1, 0, 0) indicates that first component of a system is functioning and second and third components have failed.

iii) Series system: X = (1, 1) is state vector of series system of two components which is functioning, since series system is working if both the components are working.

If X = (1, 0) or (0, 1) or (0, 0) then system fails.

iv) Parallel system: If two components of a system are connecting in parallel then this system is working if state vector is, X = (1, 0) or (0, 1) or (1, 1) i. e. parallel system of two components is working if at least one of component is functioning.

Definition of Structure Function: 

Reliability Block Diagram:

                The physical configuration of components assembled in a system is often used to model system reliability. Reliability block diagram is a diagrammatic representation of components in the system which is used to model system reliability. The rectangular blocks or boxes represent the components of the system and either component numbers or reliabilities are placed inside the boxes. With the help of this diagram we can answer the questions like – which combinations of the components must function for the system to function and which ones can fail without affecting it? A reliability block diagram is often helpful in visualizing the way components are arranged.

Types of systems

i) Series System of n Components (Series Structure):

A series system functions if all of its components are working. The reliability block diagram of series system of n components is as below


1. A calculator is a series system of four components viz. keyboard, display,    microprocessor and battery. Since, failure of any component results in system failure.

2.  Amplifier and speaker in sound system are connected in series.

3.  The wheels of two wheeler are in series.

4.  The starter and choke of tube light are in series.

5.  Pairs of shoes are also an example of a series system.


 ii) Parallel System of n Components (Parallel Structure):

                    A parallel system functions if at least one of its components are working or functioning. The reliability block diagram of parallel system of n components is as below.



1. The brakes of automobile are in parallel.

2. Speakers of a sound system are in parallel.

3. The eyes of human being are in parallel (since we can see when any one eye is good).

4. The ears of human being are in parallel.

5. The kidneys are in parallel.


iii) The 2 out of 3 system:

 This system is functioning iff at least two out of three components are functioning. If X = (X1, X2, X3) is state vector of a system then its structure function is given by,

 The above system may be represented as:

iv) k out of n system (k ≤ n):

    It is a system of n components such that  system is functioning iff  at least ‘k’ out of ‘n’ components are functioning. If X = (X1, X2, ….., Xi, ………., Xn) is state vector of a system then its structure function is given by,


Note that, series system and parallel system are special cases of ‘k’ out of ‘n’ system. The series system is ‘n’ out of ‘n’ system where as parallel system is ‘1’ out of ‘n’ system.


1. Bicycle wheel needs only k spokes out of n to function hence it is a k out of n system.

2. A four cylinder car engine can function if any three cylinders are working; hence it is a 3 out of 4 system.

3. Human jaws has 32 teeth, if some of teeth are lost one can chew the food, hence it can be viewed as k out of 32 system.


Example: Write structure function of following system.

Solution: The above system is functioning iff component ‘1’ and at least one out of ‘2’ and ‘3’ functioning. If X = (x1, x2, x3) is state vector of a system then its structure function is given by considering the parallel assembly of C2 and C3 as a single component denoting it by A. Thus the system can be viewed as a series assembly of two components C1 and A.

 Since A is parallel assembly of C2 and C3 ,  the structure function

       XA  =  Max { X2, X3} = 1-  (1- X2 )  (1- X3 ) = X1 × { X2 + X3- X2 X3}

             =  X1X2 + X1X3   -  X1X2X3   where  Xi = 0,1 for i= 1,2,3


The above system can be equivalently represented as;

Ex.: Draw a block diagram and obtain structure function of a 2 out of 3 system. 

Sol.: 2 out of 3 system functions, if at least 2 components work. If components (1, 2) = A or (1,3) = B or  (2,3) = C work, system works. Thus, these pairs are to be connected in parallel and the components in every pair are required to be in series. The reliability block diagram is,

            =  X1X2+ X1X3 +X2X3 - X12X2X3 -X1X22X3 -X1X2X32 + X12X22X32










B.Sc. (Part-III) (Semester- VI)   Internal Examination, Feb 2024


Probability Theory and Applications (Paper-XIII)

Sub. Code: 81692

 Day and Date:                                                                               Total marks: 40


            Instructions: 1) All questions are compulsory.

                                  2) Figures to the right in the bracket indicate full marks.


Q 1) Choose the most correct alternative:                                                    (08)

 1.  Convergence in probability of sample mean to population mean is known as --

    a) Weak law of large number                   b) Central limit theorem

    c) Both (a) and (b)                                    d) None of these

2. If Xn converges to x in probability, then……..

    a) Xn 2 converges to x in probability           b) Xn 2 converges to x 2 in probability

   c) Xn 2 converges to x in quadratic mean   d) Xn 2 converges to x 2

3. Which of the following is order Statistics?

    a) Range                    b) Mean                c) Median               d) Mode  

 4. Chebychev’s inequality is valid for ……. variables (cases).

   a) continuous              b) discrete               c) both a and b       d) none of these

 5. Reliability of a system is always lies between......

a)  0 and 1                b) -1 and 1              c) 0 and ∞           d) -∞ and∞

 6. In a k out of n system there are................... minimal path sets.

a)‘n’                          b) 1                           c) 2n                 d) n C k


7. The reliability of parallel system of n components is.............

a) p n-1                  b) 1- (1-p) n             c) 1- (1-p) n-1       d) pn

8. For a series system of two components having 0.5 reliability each the reliability of a system is........

a) 0.25               b) 0.75                     c) 0.5                   d) 1


Q 2) Attempt any two of the following:                                                           (16)

a) State and prove the weal law of large numbers (WLLN) for i. i. d. random variables.

 b) Define order statistics for a r. s. of size n drawn from a continuous distribution f(X).  State and prove the p. d. f. of Yi = X(i) , ith order statistic. Hence find the p. d. f. of smallest and largest order statistics. 

c) If T is a lifetime of a component having exponential distribution with parameter ϴ , then find the i) Distribution function ii) Survival function iii) Hazard rate function of T and verify that E(T) = ꭍ  R(t) dt (range 0 to ∞) 

 Q 3)   Attempt any four of the following:                                                    (16)

 a) Define 1) Convergence in probability 2) convergence in quadratic mean

 b)  Let X(1), X(2), X(3) be the order statistic of random sample of size 3, from the U(0,1).  Find the distribution of sample median.

 c) If X follows uniform over (-√3, √3) then obtain upper bound for

    P [| X- µ| > 1.5ơ]

 d) Obtain Minimal path vector and Minimal path set for series system. Also give   its block diagram.

 e) Define reliability of a system and obtain it for a) Series system of two components b) parallel system of two components

 f) For a series system of two components having reliability 0.9  each. Find the reliability of the system. 



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